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Our Founders

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The Late Pastor James Williams

The Temple Of Christ church was founded in the late 70's, early 80's by the late Pastor James Williams Sr. and the late founder Mother Terry Williams. Prior to setting up churches, they evangelized all through the south under a great tent ministry, where he preached the gospel under the anointing of Jesus Christ, casting out demons and devils; bringing many to repentance.

Mother Williams and her daughters sang under the same anointing bringing many to tears of joy, dancing and shouting, giving praise unto our God.

The birth of The Temple Of Christ originated in South Carolina. Having two locations in Sumter and St.George, SC.


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 The Late Mother Tilda Williams

They were later called from the evangelistic field into full time pastoring, starting this ministry in the backroom of their home in North Philly, later moving to its present location in the heart of West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The ministry continued to grow introducing young and old to a gospel that was sure to change their lives. This great man and woman of God continued to be labourers in the work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pastor Williams was a man of wisdom, vision, compassion, above all, love. Mother Williams was a strong visionary of the Temple of Christ. 

 "Write the vision, make it plain upon the tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie".

Habakkuk 2:2-3.

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